These are books from Green Social Thought Editors.
Check them out to find out what the Green Social Thought Editors have been working on!
J’st to Live by A.C. Mueller-Rowry
Rooted in an intercultural love story, this memoir is a searingly honest, unflinching look at the reality of everyday colonial oppression in the forsaken Black ghetto where the scourges of the Drug War are interwoven with a lack of future and life’s joys are tainted by harrowing experiences and trauma. J’st to Live bears witness to a free spirit who found a way to live his understanding of freedom amid social forces beyond his control, no matter the price.
A.C. Mueller-Rowry, a free spirit herself, is a retired social worker, social therapist, mediator, and social scientist who has worked with migrants, unhoused people and those living with mental illness. A lifelong political activist, she co-founded the Green Party in Germany, served on her hometown’s City Council and continues to advocate for social change. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution

Cuba has transformed its health care to the extent that this “third-world” country has been able to maintain a first-world medical system, whose health indicators surpass those of the United States at a fraction of the cost. Don Fitz combines his broad knowledge of Cuban history with his decades of on-the-ground experience in Cuba to bring us the story of how Cuba’s health care system evolved and how Cuba is tackling the daunting challenges to its revolution in this century. He describes how Cuba was able to create a unified system of clinics, and evolved the family doctor-nurse teams that became a model for poor countries throughout the world. How, in the 1980s and ‘90s, Cuba survived the encroachment of AIDS and increasing suffering that came with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and then went on to establish the Latin American School of Medicine, which still brings thousands of international students to the island.
AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage?
In-depth examination of the labor imperialist foreign policy of the AFL and then the AFL-CIO, covering from the late 1800s to 2007. Gives strong overview, and then details specific efforts in Chile in 1973, Philippines in late 1980s, and Venezuela in 2002. Also discusses NED (National Endowment for Democracy and other current operations, as well as details efforts by trade unionists to overturn these policies. Published in hardback in 2010, paperback in 2011 by Lexington Books.

J’st to Live by A.C. Mueller-Rowry
Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization

A collection of articles by labor activists and scholars from a number of different countries around the world.
Published April 2016.
Any Way You Slice It
Stan Cox shows that fair-shares rationing is not just a quaint practice restricted to World War II memoirs and stories of gas-station lines in the 1970s.

Losing Our Cool

A groundbreaking investigation into how our growing reliance on air conditioning has transformed the planet.
Gaveling Down the Rabble: How “Free Trade” is Stealing Our Democracy
Morris lays bare the “free trade” zone established within the US by the Supreme Court.

The Endgame of Politics

This is a plan for how to make a revolution and not just appoint one more president.
Agriculture & Food in Crisis
Editors Fred Magdoff and Brian Tokar have assembled scholars from around the world to explore the politics of growing food insecurity and the rise of global resistance.

Toward Climate Justice: Perspectives on the Climate Crisis and Social Justice

The call for Climate Justice promises a renewed grassroots response to the climate crisis, by Brian Tokar.
Dioxin: The Orange Resource Book
Dedicated to the Residents of Times Beach, edited by Don Fitz

Within the Shell of the Old: Essays on Workers’ Self-Organization

Edited by Don Fitz and David Roediger.
Labor’s Joke Book
A wonderful history of humor in the labor movement, edited by Paul Buhle and Don Fitz.

How the World Breaks

By Stan Cox and Paul Cox, Coming in July from The New Press