Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.


Welcome to our collection of articles dedicated to green politics. As our world grapples with pressing environmental and societal challenges, the green political movement emerges as a beacon of change.

These articles explore core areas of green politics such as: degrowth, demilitarization, union and worker rights, and anti-capitalism.

Discover the nuances of degrowth as we examine strategies to reshape economies, moving away from military and capitalist growth models toward a more balanced, regenerative approach. Explore the imperative of demilitarization, unraveling the environmental and social impacts of excessive military expenditures, and delving into proposals for redirecting resources towards constructive, peace-building endeavors. Anti-capitalism is a key theme, challenging the prevailing economic systems that prioritizes profit over people and the environment. Union and worker rights in politics is another key area. Our articles dissect the green political stance on restructuring economies to prioritize social justice, environmental sustainability, and community well-being.

This thought-provoking content analyzes the intersectionality of these principles, offering insights into how green politics seeks to create a world where ecological responsibility, demilitarization, and anti-capitalist values converge for the betterment of society and the planet.

We hope you enjoy these explorations of the progressive ideals of green politics, providing you with valuable perspectives, informed analyses, and potential solutions to the challenges we face. Stay engaged, informed, and inspired, and let’s pave the way toward a future guided by the principles of degrowth, demilitarization, and anti-capitalism.

AOC and the Desperate Democrats Attempt to Undermine the Greens

Margaret Kimberley

Image: Instagram @AOC The incessant and increasingly harsh attacks on the Green Party are indicators of its appeal to millions of people. Democrats engage in political fakery and smear campaigns against the Greens because they know their voters turn against them when they are given the opportunity to consider another electoral option.

Recalling the ITU: A Militant & Democratic Union

Linda Kerth

N 1962, AS a young and rather aimless woman, I was hired by the Oakland Tribune to learn typesetting on the TTS — TeleTypeSetting machine — which attached a misbegotten contraption to a keyboard that punched holes into a sturdy ribbon. The ribbon was later fed into a similar misbegotten contraption on a Linotype, where it was set into actual type. That poor baby did not live long.

All US Military Bases Are Your Enemy

Nidal Khalaf

James Bradley, author of The China Mirage, says that “if you stood on the tallest building in Beijing and looked at the oceans and land surrounding you, you would find American destroyers, planes, and missiles encircling you from every direction.” This image embodies the reality of US hegemony across the world, and the nature of the relationship between Washington and its adversaries on the planet.

Inside Israel’s torture, rape, and dehumanization centers

Robert Inlakesh

Shocking even by Israeli standards, the horrifying truth of the occupation’s systematic torture, rape, and degradation of Palestinian detainees reveals a brutality buried in silence.

Monetary Reform is a Foundation Issue

Kevin McCormick

It is important to realize that the nature of the monetary system is a foundational or fundamental political issue. The Green Party platform policies are quite unlikely to be achieved under the Federal Reserve monetary system. This is due to the Green Party platform policies being oriented to the overall wellbeing of society — people over profits and environmental restoration. It is quite difficult or impossible to imagine these policies in terms of loan collateral and income streams designed to support interest payments, which is required under the Federal Reserve system. Therefore, it is important for every advocate of Green Party platform policies to understand that the present Federal Reserve system is a major obstacle to progress on social and environmental issues.

Every Place in Gaza – Including Schools – Is a Target

Vijay Prashad

The United States, despite occasional statements about withholding weapons, has consistently armed Israel during this genocidal war. Since 1948, the United States has provided $130 billion worth of weapons to Israel. Between 2018 and 2022, 79 percent of all weapons sold to Israel came from the United States (the next was Germany, which supplied 20 percent of Israel’s arms imports). The U.S. arms sales have come in deliberately small bunches of under $25 million per sale so that they do not require the scrutiny of the U.S. Congress, and therefore public debate. From October 2023 through March, the U.S. approved 100 of these small sales, which amount to over $1 billion in weapons sales, including the GBU-39. It is important to know that the bomb, created in the United States, was likely loaded onto an Israeli fighter jet by a U.S. technician seconded to the Israeli bases.

An important Case threatening First Amendment Rights is about to go to Trial

Leonard C. Goodman

The trouble began for the African People’s Socialist Party in spring 2022 following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The APSP was one of the few prominent activist groups that publicly blamed the U.S. government for provoking the invasion, thus contradicting the official position of the U.S. that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked.

Research roundup: Evidence that a single day in jail causes immediate and long-lasting harms

Brian Nam-Sonenstein

The criminal legal system views pretrial detention as a necessary sacrifice that prioritizes crime prevention and court attendance over personal liberty. However, detention is demonstrably ineffective on both fronts: when compared to releasing people pretrial, jail counterintuitively worsens these outcomes on day one while making the system decidedly more unjust for those behind bars. These failures come at a steep cost, as detention also immediately disrupts a person’s ability to work and increases their risk of death.

How to Protest for Sonya Massey

Margaret Kimberley

Sonya Massey’s brutal murder at the hands of the police has resulted in anguish and anger but no difference in how state violence is protested. Instead, we see surrender to the crumbs of condolences and fake concern expressed by people who have the power to stop the killing.

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