Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Tag: Extinction Rebellion

  • Neoliberalism, Climate Movements, and the PR Paradigm, What’s Next?

    En permettant l'homme, la nature a commis beaucoup plus qu'une erreur de calcul: un attentat contre elle-même. By enabling humankind, nature has made more than an error in calculation: it is an attempt on her own life. Emil Cioran, De l'inconvient d'être né. That the climate is changing and that the planet is on average…

  • A Green New Deal must deliver global justice

    For too long the severity and scale of the climate crisis has been deliberately understated, but October’s release of the IPCC’s Special Report on the Global Warming of 1.5°c finally sent shockwaves into the populations of rich countries. The urgent need for action was clear with the world now in ‘decade zero’, when every decision…