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Tag: Neoliberalism

  • What Happened to the Pink Tide?

    When the “pink tide” of left-leaning governments first rose to power on the back of anti-neoliberal protests across Latin America in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the initial reaction from the Left was euphoric. Striving to move beyond the “there is no alternative” mantra, many pinned their hopes on what seemed to be a…

  • Indigenous Autonomy in the Age of Extraction

    The 2011 TIPNIS conflict exposed the contradiction between the MAS government’s proclaimed commitment to indigenous rights and the environment, and its aggressive pursuit of an extractivist development model. International media images of Evo Morales in indigenous garb were replaced by more familiar images of indigenous peoples mobilizing to defend their territories against the incursions of a…

  • National sovereignty: for what purpose?

    Samir Amin provides a world-systems analysis of the current upsurge of nationalism, and draws a distinction between progressive and reactionary versions.