Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.


Welcome to our collection of articles dedicated to green politics. As our world grapples with pressing environmental and societal challenges, the green political movement emerges as a beacon of change.

These articles explore core areas of green politics such as: degrowth, demilitarization, union and worker rights, and anti-capitalism.

Discover the nuances of degrowth as we examine strategies to reshape economies, moving away from military and capitalist growth models toward a more balanced, regenerative approach. Explore the imperative of demilitarization, unraveling the environmental and social impacts of excessive military expenditures, and delving into proposals for redirecting resources towards constructive, peace-building endeavors. Anti-capitalism is a key theme, challenging the prevailing economic systems that prioritizes profit over people and the environment. Union and worker rights in politics is another key area. Our articles dissect the green political stance on restructuring economies to prioritize social justice, environmental sustainability, and community well-being.

This thought-provoking content analyzes the intersectionality of these principles, offering insights into how green politics seeks to create a world where ecological responsibility, demilitarization, and anti-capitalist values converge for the betterment of society and the planet.

We hope you enjoy these explorations of the progressive ideals of green politics, providing you with valuable perspectives, informed analyses, and potential solutions to the challenges we face. Stay engaged, informed, and inspired, and let’s pave the way toward a future guided by the principles of degrowth, demilitarization, and anti-capitalism.

NYT Reports ‘Strikes On Civilians’ That Happen To Hit Military Targets

Moon of Alabama

Just last week the New York Times reported of a Russian strike ‘on civilians’ in Chasiv Yar even as its own reporter at the location acknowledged in a detailed separate report that the apartment complex that was hit was mostly housing military forces.  Yesterday a Russian missile strike hit the town of Vinnytsia in western Ukraine.  The New York Times is again lamenting about a damage to civilian buildings even as the main target was obviously a military one.

NATO: The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet

Chris Hedges

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the arms industry that depends on it for billions in profits, has become the most aggressive and dangerous military alliance on the planet. Created in 1949 to thwart Soviet expansion, it has evolved into a global war machine in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia.  NATO expanded its footprint, violating promises to Moscow, once the Cold War ended, to incorporate 14 countries in Eastern and Central Europe. It bombed Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo. It launched wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya, resulting in close to a million deaths and some 38 million people driven from their […]

NATO’s 2022 plan declares second cold war on Russia and China

Benjamin Norton

NATO’s 2022 “strategic concept,” its first new plan since 2010, declares Russia a “threat” and China “systemic challenge.”  It demonizes the Eurasian powers as “authoritarian actors” and “strategic competitors,” essentially declaring a second cold war to maintain Western hegemony.  The US-led NATO military alliance has published the 2022 “Strategic Concept,” the first such blueprint NATO has released since 2010.  The Strategic Concept was adopted unanimously by the in a summit in Madrid, Spain in late June… Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand – all of which are very far from the North Atlantic region – attended the NATO summit […]

Supreme Court Allows End Of ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy

Emma Lee

Biden’s campaign promises included vows to reverse Trump’s harsh immigration policies, but these words have proven to be performative and frail. On the first day of his presidency, he moved to end the “Remain in Mexico” program through a termination memo. Biden expanded eligibility for deportation to include anyone from countries in he Western Hemisphere other than Mexico. Under Trump, only people from Spanish-speaking countries and Brazilians were eligible to be sent to Mexico. Under Biden’s expanded reinstatement, however, U.S. border officials could send back Haitian migrants, something that generally did not happen in years prior. In September and October alone, the […]

Anatomy of a Coup: How CIA Front Laid Foundations for Ukraine War

Kit Klarenberg

Many of the CIA’s traditional responsibilities and activities [are] being farmed out to … the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).  NED’s expurgation of records exposing its role in fomenting and precipitating the horror now unfolding in southeast Ukraine not only protects de facto CIA agents on the ground. It also reinforces and legitimizes the Biden administration’s sprawling, fraudulent narrative, endlessly and uncritically reiterated in Western media, that Russia’s invasion was entirely unprovoked and groundless.

World’s Largest Imperial Power Sponsors Calls for Russia to ‘Decolonize’ and the Lack of Self-Awareness is Palpable

Daniel Kovalik

On June 23, 2022, an organization funded by the US Congress, the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe – also known as the Helsinki Commission – held a virtual conference calling for the “decolonizing of Russia.”  This is, of course, tantamount to calling upon the US to relinquish nearly all of its territory from the Atlantic to Pacific, not to mention more recent holdings such as Hawaii

Mapping U.S. imperialism

The Mapping Project

US imperialism is the greatest threat to life on the planet, a force of ecological devastation and disaster impacting not only human beings, but also our non-human relatives. How can we organize to dismantle the vast and complicated network of US imperialism which includes US war and militarism, CIA intervention, US weapons/technology/surveillance corporations, political and economic support for dictatorships, military juntas, death squads and US trained global police forces favorable to US geopolitical interests? It is critical to acknowledge that US imperialism emanates both ideologically and materially from the crime of colonialism on this continent which has killed over 100 […]

US, Ukraine and Russia: What Went Wrong?

Kim Scipes

This is a report of a 2015 public event on this subject, with talks given by John Mearsheimer and Rick Rozoff. This provides some basic information BEFORE the Russian invasion in 2022 that many people don’t know and/or don’t want to know.

Waiting on the French Left to Decolonize Itself

Claire Schwartz . Conversation . Houria Bouteldja and Françoise Vergès

So what is there to say? Elections so often seem like exercises in scripting state power, organizing attention around a limited set of possibilities. But how might our sense of possibility change if we understand this election not as a stop on the march of progress, with Macron’s win positioned as evidence of republican righteousness, but in the context of a historical juncture that requires attention to the past’s enduring role in structuring the conditions of our present?