Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Topic: Less of What We Don’t Need

  • American biolaboratories in Africa

    American biolaboratories in Africa

    The Pentagon plans to allocate about $34 million between now and 2025 to modernize four US Army Medical Research Department laboratories, a move that could make millions of Africans hostage to deadly biological threats.  Biological laboratories, which will be assigned biosafety level four, play an important role in implementing this policy by enabling research on…

  • How Israel Helped Craft Modern-Day “Terrorism”

    How Israel Helped Craft Modern-Day “Terrorism”

    It is because of “terrorism,” twice-failed U.S. Presidential candidate and unconvicted war criminal Hillary Clinton representatively wrote for The Atlantic on November 14 that “Hamas must be permanently erased.”   In 1983 Netanyahu explained what terrorism is not If you miss a target and a bomb accidentally falls on a Children’s hospital it’s not terrorism Does…

  • Worries from a Major Auto Dealer About All Electric Cars

    Worries from a Major Auto Dealer About All Electric Cars

    John (Jack) Fitzgerald is no ordinary auto dealer. He communicates with consumer advocates.  Mr. Fitzgerald called me in August with worries about electric vehicles.   He cited the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) six findings on the increasing number of high-voltage lithium-ion battery fires. Firefighters are finding that these batteries raise unprecedented fire suppression problems.  Fitzgerald…

  • Fast Fashion Is Antithetical to Workers’ Rights

    Fast Fashion Is Antithetical to Workers’ Rights

    Few of us are likely to link our gift buying to the high cost of low prices on the other side of the planet. This is especially true for what has come to be known as “fast fashion,” the clothing equivalent of a Big Mac: attractive, affordable, and throwaway. But the Bangladeshi women who toil…

  • We Say Return the Land to Make It Right

    We Say Return the Land to Make It Right

    As Indigenous people in this movement, we have no desire to repeat history and to treat people with violence. Our movement is very focused on the tens of millions of acres that are public lands that are being destroyed by the mining industry or the fossil fuel industry.  Levy Uyeda: I wanted to end with…

  • Israel’s Weaponization of Water: An Urgent Call to Provide Full Access to Water

    Israel’s Weaponization of Water: An Urgent Call to Provide Full Access to Water

    The weaponization of water and its infrastructure has become increasingly evident in recent armed conflicts. These acts seriously threaten the lives of the civilian population, especially the most vulnerable groups, such as children. Two days after Hamas launched its attack, Israel imposed a “total” blockade and cut the water supplies into the already besieged Gaza…

  • Panama Explodes With Protests Against Canadian Copper Mine

    Panama Explodes With Protests Against Canadian Copper Mine

    Unions on strike. School classes cancelled. Workers, teachers and indigenous groups are in the streets. They’re protesting the government’s approval of a renegotiated contract with a Canadian mining firm for the operation of Central America’s largest open-pit copper mine.  The copper mine is run by Canada’s First Quantum Minerals, with investors including the Chinese state,…

  • What Does LandBack Have to Do with the War Against Palestine?

    What Does LandBack Have to Do with the War Against Palestine?

    As horrible as Zionist atrocities against Palestinians are, we must not forget the fact that they reflect events that have happened for decades and that will continue to happen. They are the current chapter in repeated parades of mass extermination which have characterize capitalism since its birth. A recurring theme in the campaigns has been…

  • Tanzanian Farmers Are Paying For ‘Conservation’ With Their Land, Lives

    Tanzanian Farmers Are Paying For ‘Conservation’ With Their Land, Lives

    Located in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands, the district of Mbarali in the Mbeya region has long been considered the country’s “rice basket”. However, for the past year, smallholder farmers in the area have been unable to cultivate the grain even to securely feed themselves, let alone produce for the market.  These farmers are among 21,252 people…

  • Decolonizing the South African Climate Movement

    Decolonizing the South African Climate Movement

    The notion that climate change is a class issue is not a new discussion. Yet the disconnect between the movements for socio-economic justice and climate justice seems to persist with no success in sight. The climate crisis and economic inequality stem from the system of capitalism and neo-colonialism, and if we don’t fight them as…